
January 2024

We are super excited about our upcoming Banquet on February 3, 2024! Please RSVP at this link if you are able to come. The raffle tickets are on there as well.
50/50, a Gun, and a CRUISE!
Our Auction is now live as well. We will be adding new items until the banquet, so keep an eye on it. Here is the link. Go check it out and start bidding!
2023 was a great year for Anchored Support. We were able to help a lot of people during the year. Our last event was a fundraiser we helped host for an American Hero, who is fighting cancer. It was such a blessing to be involved. Thank you for everyone who attended!
We look forward to another great year!

December 2023

Merry Christmas

from Anchored Support Foundation

We hope you all have an amazing Christmas with family and friends. Our Anchored Support Banquet will be here before you know it, so be sure to mark your calendars and register if you plan on attending. We hope to see you there!

​​​​​​​RSVP by January 1st

Haven’t RSVP’d yet? No problem! Simply click the following link to register and let us know you’ll be joining us.

Banquet Registration and Raffle Tickets

Auction Update
You spoke, and we listened! Thank you to all who participated in our online survey last month. We are putting together an exciting list of items and experiences based on your feedback. We don’t want to give away all of the surprises we have in store, but you can be on the lookout for:
– A fishing trip – Family photo session- Custom knife and Custom leather goods….and tons more! Plus, our annual gun raffle and 50/50 raffle. There will be more raffles and items listed when our auction goes live online January 1st! 
Online Auction

November 2023

We are excited to start planning our Banquet for February 3, 2024. We have sent out the invitations and are collecting auction items for the event. Thank you to “Scavenger Hunts by Let’s Roam” for your donation to our event!

September 2023

Food Truck Update!

Through much prayer and consideration, Anchored Support Foundation has made the decision to pass along the food truck to new hands. We are happy to announce that Todd Ward and his REACH ministry have taken on this task and plan to continue to use the food truck to serve others.  

August 25th-27th: 

Anchored Support’s last food truck event was for the revival at Hillcrest Baptist Church in Acworth, GA. Our volunteers prepared and served an estimated 300 meals over the 3 days. It was a great ending to our journey with the food truck, and we are excited to know that it will remain in use to bless others!

August 2023


The annual banquet will be held at the beginning of 2024. The exact date is to be determined, but we will send updates as soon as possible. Be on the lookout so you can save the date!

 We are already getting our auction items and raffle items together.  We will be adding items to the portal in the upcoming months.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Donor Portal

Just a reminder, our website is up and running. Don’t forget to check it out at:

 There is a link up at the top for Donor Portal. Click on that link to sign up. On the portal, you will be able to keep track of your donations and get copies of your tax receipts.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, we will be happy to provide assistance.

June 2023

Veteran’s Day @ Lake David: This past Veteran’s day we had the privilege of cooking for a ton of local Veteran’s! We cooked approximately 80 meals. 

City Reach- We cooked over 1,100 meals. City Reach’s mission is to help “love their city in tangible and meaningful ways. We are for the city. We will seek to bring Kingdom Presence to every city we partner with. How do we do that? We simply share the good news of God’s love & serve people with good deeds to bring God’s love to life”.

March 2023

Anchored Support recently constructed a wheel chair ramp for a local girl who was injured in a tragic skydiving accident. We hope and pray this small gesture will help make her journey ahead a little bit easier. Please keep her in your prayers. 

Last month, we packed up the food truck and hit the road! We traveled all the way to Texas to cook for the week at Sublett Road Baptist Church at their missionary training conference. We cooked dinner on Monday, lunch & dinner Tuesday- Thursday and lunch on Friday for about 80 people! 

February 2023

This month we were able to serve 180 meals over the course of 3 meals at New Home Baptist Church! 

Anchored Support has been raising money for the Savage family over the course of the last several months. We recently received some great news that the shell of the house has been completed! This is such an answered prayer for the family and we are thankful to be a part of the process.

The Messer family is facing the devastating loss of their youngest son, Bennet Tate. This is the message from his mom, Jessica:

“Our miracle has happened, Bennet Tate has won the Battle. He is now cancer free, running in the streets of heaven. He left this horrible, broken world wrapped I the arms of his Mommy & Daddy listening to his favorite song -Let it Go”.

Please keep this family in your prayers as they learn to navigate the days, months and years ahead.

January 2023

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a wonderful 2022. We are so grateful for all of the work we were able to do last year and we are excited for the year ahead. We have some different ideas that we would like to implement this year! Please pray over Anchored Support as we move into 2023.

We are currently at Westwood Missionary Baptist Church serving meals at their mission conference. We will provide more details on this next month! 

December 2022

Green Turtle Cay is a place near and dear to our hearts. Two projects that have been ongoing for the past three years are finally nearing completion!

Both the Church and Natasha’s house are around 90% done. We were able to attend the dedication of the Church this month and it was such a special moment. We are so excited for the Local’s to have a beautiful church to call home.

Lastly, we took a trip to Costa Rica with a few members of Bay Lake Missionary Baptist Church. We brought presents for the children at a local orphanage that we support. Getting to spend time with the kids was amazing and we cannot wait to see them again. ​​​​​​​

November 2022

We want to thank everyone so much for helping make the annual fundraiser a success! Even though we had to cancel the in-person event, we were still able to auction off almost all of the auction items and raise money for future projects. Congratulations to the winners of the auction items and the raffle ticket winners.  


Thank you to everyone that donated to the Central Care Mission drive! We were able to collect a ton of supplies for them. Read more about their program below:

“We assist men in Orlando, Orange County and the nation who are trapped in cycles of failure and poverty. Our ultimate goal is to move men back into society with the tools necessary to cope with daily pressures of life and the confidence to navigate through the difficulties all humans face.


We hope everyone weathered the storm safe and sound! We got busy as soon as we were able to- delivering generators and gas to those in need.

September 2022

Anchored Support is raising money on behalf of a family that just suffered a tragic loss. Please read more about their story below:

“On July 6, 2022, Brett Savage (36) was tragically killed in a work-related accident, leaving behind his wife (Kasey) and their five children (Kalyn, Walker, Breylee, Turner, and Mack) ranging from 12 years to 10 months in age. Brett was a member of our church, New Home Baptist Church in Wetumpka, Alabama, where he faithfully served with the youth and children’s ministries. He also served in the community as a coach and a member of the local youth baseball/softball board. Brett had a passion for making a difference in the lives of children and teens in his church and community. He spent the last few weeks of his life taking children to church camp and going on a mission trip to Lafayette, Louisiana with the youth group. The night before his death, Brett and his family were at church preparing for Vacation Bible School. He truly was a man who poured his life into serving the Lord.

Yet, Brett’s greatest impact was felt on those he loved the most – his family. Brett was described as “an amazing husband, father, son, brother, and friend. He loved his family immensely. He was the world to his wife and children. He would move mountains for them. He loved his babies fiercely and was the BEST daddy! He would fix their toys, comfort them and make them laugh when they were sad, dance around with them in the living room, coach their ball teams, wrestle with them, take off work to go on their field trips, have popcorn and movie nights, lay with them at bedtime until they fell asleep, and the list goes on. He was a hands-on dad, active and involved in his kids’ lives.”

Today, Kasey and her children need our prayers and support. Brett and Kasey had plans to build a house that they could make their home. The plans have been drawn (mostly while Brett was alive), and now the time has come to start building. Would you pray for Kasey and her children as they begin to navigate their future without Brett? Would you consider helping the Savage family build their home? Maybe you can make a monetary donation. The amount does not matter. Any amount given in Jesus’ name will be a blessing to this family that God can multiply to help meet their needs. Or, you may have other resources such as building materials, electrical or plumbing supplies, etc. that could be used to help. Kasey has not asked for anything and expects nothing. Let’s pray that our great God will provide more than we could ever ask or think”.

Registration Reminder 2022

If you plan on attending this years annual fundraiser banquet, please let us know! You can view all event details and register for the event by following the link below. You will need to logon using your portal email/password or CREATE one in order to register.

If you are unable to attend but would like to view or bid on auction items, please follow the link below:

August 2022

We have 27 generators on the way to Kentucky. Please continue to pray for everyone in Kentucky dealing with the flooding. Thank you to Terry and Melissa Molden for coming to pick them up and deliver them.

The church in Green Turtle is almost up and dried in. We sent windows, doors and roofing material the week of the 5th and there is a crew that will be working next week. Natasha’s house is completely dried in. Please continue to pray for everyone in Green Turtle and the workers still over there. 

June 2022

We hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Ours is off to a great start… the food trailer is finally here! It has surpassed all of our expectations. We were able to use it for the first time at Mission Revival held our church this past weekend! We cooked for over 100 people each night, for five nights. 

May 2022

We are still working on the rebuild of a local’s home in Green Turtle. Materials are continuing to be sent down and progress is looking great.

We were recently given the opportunity to help a struggling mom get back on her feet after a series of very difficult trials! Please pray for her success in a new chapter of life. 

Anchored Support’s food truck is nearing completion. We can’t wait to put it to use and help out other’s in need.

Thank you all for the prayers and continued support!

April 2022

We are thrilled to report the following update on baby Bennett (we shared his story in our last newsletter). This was written by his Mom: “No substantial metabolically active disease. That is what was written on Bennett’s PET scan yesterday. Praise God! For those who are not familiar with PET scans, a radioactive tracer was injected into Bennett’s port before his scan. This tracer detects abnormal and normal metabolic activity throughout the body. With no substantial metabolic activity, this means that the tumor is almost DEAD and not showing malignant activity”

How amazing is this?! If you would like to read more about his story and make a donation to the family, please follow the link below.

We have been working hard on planning & preparing for Anchored Support’s Annual Fundraising Banquet! Please SAVE THE DATE! This year, the banquet will be held at The Garden Shed,  on October 1st @4:00PM.

If you have any items that you would like to donate to our auction, please contact us at We are really looking forward to seeing everyone this year. We have an exciting evening planned! 

March 2022

This month, we were able to help support the Messer family. Please read about their story below:

“In December of 2021 Jessica and Blake noticed that there was something off about their son Bennett’s right eye, it was bulging and pushed forward slightly. After a few days of monitoring it had started to get larger so Jessica took B to Nemours Children’s Hospital to have him seen. At Nemours he had a CT scan and MRI which indicated a mass in his right orbital cavity. They were referred directly to Bascom Palmer Eye Institute at University of Miami for biopsy of the mass. After biopsy was complete results showed that the mass was in fact Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare soft tissue cancer. 

Due to the extensive road to recovery Jessica will have to remain out of work for extended period of time for the safety of Bennett. This will cause financial stress on this family that we all know and love so much. This Go Fund Me will help aid in the travel cost and out of pocket insurance cost while Jessica is out of work, and any additional financial needs that may come their way”

We can’t begin to imagine what this family is going through and would love for them to get as much support as possible! To read more about Bennett’s story and to make a donation, please visit their Go Fund Me page.

The winners of the 2021 ASF Auction item “Range Day” were finally able to come out to the Raney’s range! They experienced a day of hands on training. Everyone had a great time. 

There has been a lot of progress on the Green Turtle Church! We are so excited and will continue to keep everyone updated. Thank you for all of the continued prayers and support.

February 2022

As most of you know, Bruce Winter’s has unfortunately passed away. Bruce Winters was the music minister at Hillcrest Baptist Church, in Acworth, Georgia. He, along with his wonderful wife Leann, their daughter Anna and their son Brady lead music at Hillcrest Baptist Church as a family.

We are still raising money to help them pay off their house! We have received many generous donations and have now raised $23,325!

It is hard to believe that our 2022 annual fundraising banquet is just 8 months away! We are already in the early stages of planning and cannot wait for the event. If you or anyone you know has auction item ideas, please feel free to send us an email at

January 2022

We were recently able to help out another family battling cancer. They were about to lose there home due to financial struggles from costly medical bills. We are grateful to say that we were able to help them keep their home! We ask for everyone’s prayers as they continue to treat the cancer.

We are very saddend to say that Bruce Winters has passed away. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of his family members, friends and loved ones that will deeply mourne his passing.

Our goal when we teamed up with Hillcrest Baptist Church was to raise enough money to pay off his families house. We are still working and praying hard to make that happen! So far we have raised $17,000 out of  $121,000. Please continue to pray for this family and donate if you feel led to do so…. and please spread the word! 

Progress on the church in Green Turtle is looking very good. We were also able to secure some building materials for one of the local’s to complete her home building project. We will keep you all updated as we have more information. 

December 2021

As many of you probably know, Kentucky was recently devastated by a massive tornado. This would be heartbreaking at any time, but especially this close to Christmas. We have been working on getting some things together so the kids can have presents to open on Christmas morning. We have started an Amazon wish list.

Another way that you are able to help is by donating through our website. When you are filling out the donation form, please select “Kentucky Tornado 2021” from the drop down menu under the “additional information” section.

We are also working on getting our generators back from Louisiana in order to take them to Kentucky. Please keep us and everyone affected by this storm in your prayers!

Recently, all of the supplies for the church in Green Turtle arrived on the island! They have started building and we couldn’t be more excited. Please continue to pray over this project and for the people in Green Turtle. 

We are still raising money for the Winters Family.

We can’t thank everyone enough for all of the prayers and continued support. We hope everyone has an amazing Christmas.

November 2021

We are definitely Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed!!

Thanksgiving is a great time! It is a time to focus on all the blessings! There have been some great things going on this year at ASF!

As you can see with the pictures below, supplies for the church in GTC have arrived. So thankful this project is getting started. Please continue to pray for those in Green Turtle.

Our fundraiser for the Winter’s Family is still going. We are at 13% with over $16,000 raised so far. Please remember them in prayer and if lead, donate here.

Our food truck has been ordered and we are looking forward to getting this ministry going!

We are so grateful to everyone who has been supporting and praying for us!

October 2021

Our banquet was a huge success this year! Thank you everyone for coming out and supporting us! We are already planning next year’s event. Mark your calendars for October 1, 2022. We would love to have everyone there!

For those of you that were at the event and heard about our food trailer we were purchasing. It has been ordered!

We are still raising money for the Winter’s Family. So far we have raised 15,600 so far. Please keep praying for this family.

September 2021

​​​​​​​We are excited to see everyone on October 2, 2021 @ 4:00pm. Looking forward to a great evening. All the details can be found online. We have sent out the invitations but have received some back as undeliverable. Please click on the link below to let us know if you are coming. 

August 2021

To Our 3rd Annual Banquet. We are excited to see everyone on October 2, 2021 @ 4:00pm. Looking forward to a great evening. All the details can be found online at the link below. You can RSVP online at:
Lots of Items!! We have lots of items this year for the silent auction. Metal art, Yeti cooler, Vera Bradley bags, custom knives, coffee baskets, 1 week in the Keys, custom holsters, photo sessions, and lots more! We will have pictures up soon. We also will start selling raffle tickets soon for some guns.
Winter’s Family Project. We have raised $12,400 so far! God is good!! Please continue to pray for this family and this project. We are excited to watch God work!
You can donate by mail or online at:

June/July 2021


October 2, 2021, is the date! Please be on the lookout for your invitation.

We are excited about our guest speaker this year, Louie Cortese, Professional Athlete and Founder of ROVE Ministry. 

We are getting our auction items and raffle items together.  We will get them posted on the portal soon.  

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Donor Portal

Remember our website is up and running. Don’t forget to go to our website,, there is a link, up at the top for Donor Portal. Click on that link to sign up. On the portal, you will be able to keep track of your donations and get copies of your tax receipts.

Come banquet time you will be able to RSVP and purchase raffle tickets. Our auction will be online this year as well.

Let us know if you have any problems signing up.

Winters Family project is still going on as well. We are at 10% of our goal.

May 2021

We have a new project going on right now. We are raising money to help a family pay off their home. Below is their story. If you would like to contribute the donate button will be below also.

Bruce Winters is the music minister at Hillcrest Baptist Church, in Acworth, Georgia. He, along with his wonderful wife Leann, their daughter Anna and their son Brady lead music at Hillcrest Baptist Church as a family.

Bruce Winters (husband and father) has brain cancer. It was found in December of 2020 and diagnosed in January 2021. He’s fighting a hard battle for his life right now. Still, he’s been at church praising his mighty Savior! All the while, the cancer is on his brain stem and he has been told it is inoperable. The treatments have been hard on him. It has affected his eyesight (making it hard to see the words and notes of the music). Unfortunately, the treatments are not doing the miracle we have all prayed for. The tumor has grown, the treatments will now begin again. They will be STRONGER and HARDER this round! The doctors have warned them that this will take a much bigger toll on his body.

Can you even imagine?!… Maybe you can…

His wife, children and his family, they’re all watching their most precious husband/father/son/brother walk this journey. I believe so many of us have been affected in one way or another by watching or even just knowing someone we love or someone we genuinely cared about walk this road, this battle, this WAR with cancer. I do not pretend to understand all that’s involved. I also don’t pretend to know what God’s plan is with this sweet family.

Here is what we would love to make happen for the Winters family.

We would like to pay their house off! (just typing that is BIG!) With our help, your help and maybe even your friends’ help. I know the number is big, but NOT bigger than our God!!

April 2021

As you can see we are in the midst of spring cleaning. We have purchased new software to help run Anchored Support more efficiently. Please be patient with us as we get this up and running. I hope is to have it all set up by June. Once we have it all done there will be a Donor Portal available. We are also excited about using the software, for our upcoming banquet, for an online auction. We will keep you updated with our progress.

We are five months from our 2021 Banquet!!! Oh my! We need to get busy!  The date is October 2, 2021.  More information will follow soon. Be on the lookout.

We are in the process of gathering material to ship over to help build the Green Turtle Community Church. We are so excited about this. They finally got the land deeded over to them and are ready to start building. Please be in prayer over this that it will all come together.

February/March 2021

We received an update from Natasha in Green Turtle Cay. She was able to get the trusses up on her house. I will be adding pictures to the slideshow soon.

January 2021

We hope this finds all is well with everyone. Hopefully you had a great Christmas and New Year.  It is hard to believe that the first month of the new year is already gone.  Things have been crazy busy as I am sure it has been for everyone else.  

Don’t forget to keep praying for Green Turtle Cay. The barge did arrive finally and the material was dropped off for Natasha’s house. We have not been able to make a trip over due to Covid but hopefully things are progressing.

November 2020

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Hopefully you will be able to spend some time with family. I know this is a time of uncertainty in our world but we still have so much to be thankful for.

Don’t forget to keep praying for Green Turtle Cay. The barge was delayed due to weather but is suppose to be leaving this week. 

We were able to help a young family financially this month. The husband, who served our country, was recently diagnosed with ALS and they have small children. Please continue to pray for them as they adjust. 

This month, we want to share with you a missionary that we support, Lighthouse Children’s Home in Costa Rica. We are blessed to be able to support them. They care for these children all of ages and disabilities. It is such a blessing to watch the kids grow.

October 2020

We would like to thank everyone who made our 2020 Banquet a huge success! Thank you Tony McCoy for speaking for us that night! Also, Ben Iles who came out from Louisiana to share with us about the relief efforts. The night was a huge success with raffles and auction items. We were able to draw one raffle the night of the auction and drew the other two raffle tickets the other day. Congratulations again to those winners! We are looking forward to next year already.

Don’t forget to keep praying for Green Turtle Cay. We are in the process of getting material on a barge this next month. Excited to see some progress. Hopefully we will be able to make a visit soon.

This month, we want to share with you a missionary that we support, Idols Aside Ministry. We are blessed to be able to support a great ministry serving the fatherless. Below is an update from them and some pictures. Please follow them on Facebook for more information.

Ministry Opportunities Abound… even when all seems “Shut down”

The intentional ministry structure founders of IAM set out to establish years ago, attempting to keep our retreats at or under 5 youth at a time, was still feasible to do during the unprecedented times of 2020! Even when federal, state and/or local authorities asked us all to socially distance or keep gatherings under 10; we were been able to continue to serve these incredible youth at the amazing new facility in Kentucky and the original Florida lodge! This summer we hosted day retreats and now we have gone back into our fall overnight retreats. We are so humbled to see what God is doing in their hearts and lives, one fishing and hunting trip at a time!

Some call it a leap of faith, but this year we have seen growth in our ministry team and would ask your prayers for God’s blessing as we continue to grow. We added additional full-time staff positions to both our Florida and Kentucky teams. Matt Wentworth, recently retired from the Paducah Police Department, came on board full time this summer in Kentucky. He and his wife have already proven to be invaluable to our team and to the youth we serve! Jeff Stabe came out of a teaching position to answer the call of full time ministry to the fatherless. He and his precious wife MacKenzie have a contagious love for our Savior and passion to see fatherless youth surrender their heart and lives to Christ and break the statistics the world says they are headed for.

We know that the harvest is plentiful and we are rejoicing to have added new laborers to the field of reaching the fatherless! The more workers in the field, the more kids we can impact!

August 2020

This past month we were able to get some supplies out to Leesville, Louisiana after Hurricane Laura came through. We are working on having supplies on hand so we can deploy them much quicker the next go around. Please continue praying for all those affected by this storm and the others.

This month, we want to share with you an organization we support here locally. It is called Hand in Hand. Here is the description from their website:

“Hand in Hand is a Christian, Faith Based and science driven, in-house recovery community. This is where our staff helps residents change the relationship they have with their lives by providing connection and purpose. We bring recovery by offering resources through mentoring, guidance, and training for all positive life skills. We make a difference in our community by rebuilding lives and identifying potential of those in need as we instill the core values of G.R.I.T.”

It is an honor to support them monthly while they work to help our community. Please visit their website for more information.

July 2020

This year is flying by. We have been very busy
getting ready for our banquet. We have emailed and mailed invita-
tions, but there is also a link here in the newsletter if you would
like to RSVP. Our guest speaker this year will be Tony McCoy. We
are looking forward to seeing everyone.

This month, we want to share with you a missionary that we sup-
port, Glen and Summer Knight. Remote Island Ministries is cen-
tered in the Republic of Palau. Their goal is to share the good
news of Jesus to the people who live in this region. They live on a
sailboat and travel around to the different remote islands. They
take basic human needs and supplies to them as well. Please fol-
low them on Facebook for more information.

June 2020

Summer is definitely here in Florida! It has been very hot and very humid. We know times have been very challenging over the last few months. This virus has disrupted a lot of lives and activities. It has put a damper on us getting back over to Green Turtle for sure. Our plans are still to get over there, we are just not sure when it will be yet. We have been in contact with them and they are doing well and looking forward to everything opening back up as well.

Here locally we have been able to help a few families that have been struggling financially over the last few months.  We have also been able to contribute to a new community center being built in our area. Things are moving, not as quickly as we would like, but we know God has a plan.

As a new addition to our newsletter, we are going to start highlighting someone we send monthly support to. This month, we want to share our newest addition, Matthew Staples. We are so excited about being a part of his new ministry.

Matthew is working with a college ministry, called the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, as a campus minister. They work with students all across the U.S. on college campuses. Matthew is currently working on the Oklahoma State University Stillwater campus helping to lead as many students as possible to follow Jesus and to help them lead others to do the same. His position specifically deals with the communication and digital media side of the ministry. Matthew helps create and manage all the video, graphic design and other content that the BCM uses on social media, printed materials and other digital avenues. He will also work with a team of students to guide them in leading small group bible studies and meet with students one-on-one to help them walk closer to God. For more information you can reach Matthew at

We are still moving forward with plans for our annual fundraising banquet. If you or anyone you know would like to be invited (and weren’t last year) please let us know. If you would like to donate an item or excursion to be auctioned off, please feel free to contact us at Thank you all for the continued support!

May 2020

We would like to take a moment to thank our supporters for continuing to donate. We know times are tough right now, and we want to let you know that your contributions are greatly appreciated.

We have been busy getting things prepped and organized for our trip back to Green Turtle Cay. The Bahamas are expected to reopen on July 1st, and we plan on getting over there as soon as we can. We will be focusing on two rebuilding projects right now – the local community church and a couple’s home that was completely destroyed. Please continue to pray for the people over there. They are still a ways off from being recovered and we are now in hurricane season again. Pray for a hedge of protection to be placed around them this year.

As a new addition to our newsletter, we are going to start highlighting someone we send monthly support to. This month, we want to share the ABA Disaster Relief Ministry with you. Their mission statement is, “Proclaiming the Gospel through a labor of love.” When a natural disaster strikes, a team, which is made up entirely of volunteers, is immediately deployed to that location to help the community with whatever is needed. If you would like more information, you can visit their website,

We are still moving forward with plans for our annual fundraising banquet. If you or anyone you know would like to be invited (and were not last year) please let us know. If you would like to donate an item or excursion to be auctioned off, please feel free to contact us at Thank you all for the continued support!

April 2020

We hope this newsletter finds everyone well in these uncertain times. We have been moving forward with plans for our banquet in October. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. We will keep you updated over the next few months.

Please pray for the people on Green Turtle Cay. They have been hit pretty hard over the last year. Just as they were starting to recover from Hurricane Dorian, along came this virus and everything has stopped on the island. They are now facing hurricane season again. Our plans are to get over there as soon as possible. Please continue to pray for us and the residents of Green Turtle Cay.

We have been busy here locally as well. We have been able to help out some with rent expenses as well as add to our monthly donations!

If you or anyone you know would like to be invited to Anchored Support Foundation’s annual fundraising banquet (and weren’t last year) please let us know. If you would like to donate an item or excursion to be auctioned off, please feel free to contact us at Thank you all for the continued support!

March 2020

We hope that everyone has continued to do well amidst the uncertainty that we all have been faced with over the past several weeks!

Anchored Support Foundation held a board of directors meeting last week to discuss upcoming projects and ideas. Unfortunatley, most everything is at a stand still until COVID-19 passes and normal operations can resume. We very much look forward to getting back to work and sharing the projects with you all!

Also, If you or anyone you know would like to be invited to Anchored Support Foundation’s annual fundraising banquet (and weren’t last year) please let us know. If you would like to donate an item or excursion to be auctioned off, please feel free to contact us at Thank you all for the continued support!

February 2020

First of all, we hope and pray that everyone is doing well dealing with the circumstances of the Corona Virus and that each of you are staying safe and healthy! We had originally planned on sending a group of people to the Bahamas this May to help rebuild a local’s home. Due to the virus, our travel plans are on hold for the time being but we can’t wait to make it back there as soon as possible.

Currently, Henderson Hope is there getting the project started and when our group eventually does arrive, they are going to be working on getting the house “dried in”. This includes a roof, trusses, siding, rough plumbing, electric, AC and windows! We want to say thank you to Henderson for being there now and to our group in the future for being a part of a project that will change a family’s life!

As we mentioned last month, we are in the early stages of planning for the second annual Anchored Support Foundation banquet. If you or anyone you know would like to be invited this year (and weren’t last year) please let us know. Also, if you would like to donate an item or excursion to be auctioned off, please feel free to contact us at Thank you all for the continued support!

January 2020

2020 has been off to a great start. We have still been working in the Bahama’s on rebuilding a church and one of the local’s homes. We are hoping to get back over there soon. Weather is not cooperating for a boat trip. We will keep everyone updated as those projects continue to progress!

We are also in the early stages of gearing up for the SECOND annual Anchored Support Foundation fundraising banquet! It is hard to believe it has been almost four months since the 2019 banquet. In hopes of making this year’s banquet a success, we are already in discussion of what we hope to achieve and how we can go about achieving it. That being said- we are starting to put out feelers for silent auction items. If you or anyone you know would like to donate an item or excursion to be auctioned off, please feel free to contact us at As always, thank you all for the continued support. We hope you all are having a great start to 2020. 

December 2019

Happy New Year! We hope that all of you had a great Christmas and a very happy new year. Aside from the Christmas presents for the kids, we were also able to deliver a very special gift to someone  in the Bahama’s… her daughter!

A local Bahamian’s daughter has been in the United States since the storm passed in September.  It’s hard to imagine the excitement and joy they must have felt after being separated for so long. We feel so blessed to have been a part of their reunion. 

We are also in the final stages of getting everything together to help rebuild a local church! This has been such an exciting project to work on and we are looking forward to the locals being able to have a  place of community and worship once again. We have also started working on rebuilding one of the locals homes. Seeing construction & rebuilding on the island gives everyone hope that Green Turtle can be restored! We want to thank all of you so much for your continued support. We are looking forward to all that this year will have in store!

November 2019

This month, our efforts were still focused in the Bahama’s but in a slightly different capacity. With Christmas rapidly approaching, we wanted to find a way to ensure the children on the island had a joyful Christmas. Many of their most cherished toys were broken or damaged during the hurricane. We worked with the Green Turtle Cay Foundation to gather a list of names and wish lists for the kids. We were able to fulfill the Christmas wish of each child! We want to thank everyone who donated for this project. Aside from the children, the people of the Bahama’s are still facing daily challenges. Buddy and Connie have become close with one couple in particular that has some special medical needs and not having a stable place to live has caused them a lot of grief. Anchored support was able to purchase an RV for the couple to live in so they could have a stable home. The RV is leaving on a barge for the Bahama’s in the next couple of days and we are so excited for them to receive it.

October 2019

October has been a very busy month for Anchored Support! We hosted our first annual fundraising banquet at the beginning of the month. The evening was a huge success and we cannot thank everyone enough for the support. This month, we have continued to focus our efforts on aiding restoration in the Bahamas. While the process is slow, there is progress being made on the Island! We have been able to send a lot of every day supplies down as well as some building supplies and heavy machinery. We are looking forward to continuing to be a part of the cleanup & restoration of Green Turtle Cay.

September 2019

Currently, our hearts are in the Bahamas. Particularly, Green Turtle Cay. We have spent time there over the years and just love the little island. We have delivered some supplies by plane and we are now working on getting heavy equipment and building materials over on barges. Our efforts are focused on clean-up and rebuilding the island. We cannot help the entire Bahamas but we can impact the 300 families on Green Turtle Cay.

August 2019

We were able to help a family purchase a vehicle. Their old one had a blown motor and they were struggling with just one vehicle. They had 3 kids and both had jobs. It was a great blessing to be able to help them.

June 2019

We have had a very busy first year. We have been able to join forces with a great friend of ours, Matt Manzari. He visited Rwanda with World Vision this summer learning about the well drilling project. We offered our support as well and made a large contribution to this project.